Performance of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with Azanza garckeana (snot apple)
Snot apple; growth performance; broiler chickenAbstract
In this study, we evaluated the growth performance of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with Azanza garckeana (snot apple). A total number of two hundred (200) broiler chickens were randomly allotted to 4 dietary treatments and replicated 10 times with 5 birds per replicates using a completely randomized design. Four dietary basal diets were formulated; Treatment 1 was with no Snot apple inclusion, Treatment with 2kg of Snot apple inclusion, Treatment 3 with 4kg of Snot apple inclusion and Treatment 4 with 6kg of Snot apple inclusion. The birds in each pen were weighed on weekly basis and feeding trials was recorded on daily basis. The results obtained showed that there were no significantly (P>0.05) difference in the initial weight and feed intake of birds on T1, T2, T3 and T4. Final live weight of broiler fed T1, T2 and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) high compared to T3. Likewise, Body weight gain of birds fed T1, T2 and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) high compared to T3. While Feed conversion ratio of birds fed T3 were significantly (P<0.05) high compared to T1, T2 and T4. It was concluded that the test ingredient (Snot Apple) did not have deleterious effect on the performance of the experimental birds. Higher inclusion level of Snot apple is recommended to check further the effect of snot apple on performance and it potential as growth promoting additive in broiler feed.
Copyright (c) 2024 Christie Oluwatosin Raimi

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