The Phytochemicals and Proximate Compositions of Cocoa based Silage

Phytochemicals and Proximate composition of silage


  • Christie Oluwatosin Raimi Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti
  • Abiodun Adefunmilayo Adeloye Department of Animal Production, University of Ilorin, Kwara State


cocoa pod, cassava pulp, acacia leaf, phytochemicals, proximate composition, polyphenols


Presently, agro-industrial by-products are used as livestock feeds. There is a need to determine the nutritional properties of these products prior to using them as animal feeds. The qualitative phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of tannins, Phenol, Phlobatannins and Resin. Proximate analysis showed that the fermentation had significantly increased the Protein (15.90-22.12%), Carbohydrate (16.37–45.26%), Calcium (26.09 –35.81ppm), Phosphorus (1.14–1.18ppm), Potassium (2.79–2.98ppm), Butyric acids (2.59–3.11μg/100g), Gallic acids (0.01–0.11mg/kg) and Caloric values (1x103 to 11.5x103KJ/kg) of the silage from Diet 1 to Diet 5(0-100% cocoa pod and cassava pulp). The highest value of crude protein (22.12%) was observed for Diet 5 (50-100% cocoa pod inclusion). Diet 5(50-100% cocoa pod) also had the lowest value for crude fiber (6.08%); fat (0.88%) and highest value for Calcium (35.81ppm) and calories values (11.50 x 103KJ/kg). This result showed that the combinations were a promising source of protein in animal diet if well processed. All the concentrations of anti-nutrients were found to be within acceptable levels for human and animal consumption.


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How to Cite

The Phytochemicals and Proximate Compositions of Cocoa based Silage: Phytochemicals and Proximate composition of silage. (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 6(1), 11-16.