A Comparison Between Fixed Solar Panel and Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System in Menderes District



Solar Tracking System, Solar Panel, Renewable Energy, Efficiency


Solar energy has a great importance among renewable energy sources. Electricity generation from solar energy has become a priority for all countries of the world in recent years. The sun’s rays do not come at the same angles to the earth at all times of the day. Therefore, ways to make maximum use of solar energy are being researched. One of them is solar tracking systems. The use of horizontal and vertical two-axis solar tracking systems provides approximately 40% more electricity to be produced. In this study, a land for electricity generation from the solar energy, which is a renewable energy source, was selected in the Menderes district of İzmir, and a comparison was made in terms of energy production using the fixed and 2-axis solar tracking system. Results It has been seen that in the case of using the 2-axis solar tracking system, an electricity production that can meet the annually electricity production of approximately for 50 houses. For this reason, it is much more advantageous to use different forms of solar tracking systems instead of being in a fixed position when designing solar energy fields.


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How to Cite

A Comparison Between Fixed Solar Panel and Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System in Menderes District. (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 5(2), 32-38. http://www.injirr.com/index.php/injirr/article/view/80