Determination of Some Bioactivities and Chemical Composition of Tulip (Tulipa armena) Plant and Investigation of Usability as Homeopathic Drugs


  • Nazan Demir Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University


The tulip (Tulipa armena), Purification protease enzyme, Three-phase partitioning method


In this research, The tulip (Tulipa armena) was collected from Mugla countryside, defined and content analysis was performed using LC-MS.  Moreover, this research includes investigation of protein, phenolic component and some enzyme activities (protease and peroxidase). Three-phase partitioning method was used for purification of enzyme from flowers of Turkish tulip. The values of optimal pH and optimal temperature were determined for purified enzyme. The SDS-PAGE technique was used to check the purity of the purified enzyme and determine the number of subunits, if any. The molecular weight was also calculated using gel filtration chromatography.

As a result, the protease enzyme was purified from Turkish Tulip flowers and its phenolic components were determined. It has been found that the purified protease enzyme has high activity. The plant extracts were prepared in different organic solvents and water. Furthermore, dilution grades of extracts were determined for animal experiments.




How to Cite

Determination of Some Bioactivities and Chemical Composition of Tulip (Tulipa armena) Plant and Investigation of Usability as Homeopathic Drugs. (2018). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 2(2), 21-23.