Parkinson's Disease, Therapy with Drugs and Nanotechnology


  • Hayrunnisa NADAROĞLU


Parkinson's disease, Symptoms, Therapy, Drug, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disorder that destroys neurons in the extrapyramidal dopaminergic pathway in the brain. In the world, the number of patients with PD is 10 million now and PD is a disease whose incidence increases with age. In particular, genetic and environmental factors are believed to cause PD. Rigidity in striated muscles, characteristic tremors, and posture disorder is specified as the main clinical symptoms of PD. Although radical treatment of PD is not possible today, some drugs that slow the progression of it and are effective in its symptoms are used successfully in the clinic. Among them, the essential drug is levodopa. However, an important disadvantage in the drug treatment of PD is that the beneficial effects of the drugs decrease over time in long-term use. Moreover, their use of them is associated with serious side effects. Therefore, it is important to develop new treatment strategies for the treatment of PD. When a great effort continues to discover new drugs having different action mechanisms, it is expected that developed nanotechnology-based drugs for PD therapy become important, additionally.


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How to Cite

Parkinson’s Disease, Therapy with Drugs and Nanotechnology. (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 6(2), 121-131.

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